Just Checking In:
Your Daily Mental
Wellness Companion

Just Checking In:
Your Daily Mental
Wellness Companion

Empower your mental health journey
with daily check-ins, a supportive
community, and tools to track your
emotional wellness.
Empower your mental health
journey with daily check-ins, a
supportive community, and tools to
track your emotional wellness.

 As seen in:

 As seen in:

Features Designed for
Everyday Wellness

Features Designed for
Everyday Wellness

Empower your mental health journey with daily
check-ins, a supportive community, and tools to
track your emotional wellness.
Empower your mental health journey with daily
check-ins, a supportive community, and tools to
track your emotional wellness.

Daily Emotional Check-Ins

Start your day with a simple emotional check-in
to set the tone and stay mindful.
Start your day with a simple
emotional check-in to set the
tone and stay mindful.

Community Support

Connect with a community that cares. Share
experiences and receive encouragement in a safe
Connect with a community that
cares. Share experiences and
receive encouragement in a safe

Mood Tracking

Track your mood patterns over time to better
understand your emotional health.
Track your mood patterns over
time to better understand your
emotional health.

Reminders and Notifications

Never miss your daily check-in with customizable
Never miss your daily check-in
with customizable reminders.

Why Just Checking In?

Empower your mental health journey with daily
check-ins, a supportive community, and tools to
track your emotional wellness.

Proactive Mental Health Management

Take control of your mental health with proactive tools that encourage regular self-assessment.
Take control of your mental health with
proactive tools that encourage regular self-

Builds Support Networks

Foster meaningful connections with your chosen circle that support your mental wellness journey.
Foster meaningful connections with your
chosen circle that support your mental
wellness journey.

Data-Driven Insights

Gain insights into your mental health trends with intuitive analytics.
Gain insights into your mental health trends
with intuitive analytics.

Simplify Your Path to
Better Mental Health

Simplify Your
Path to Better
Mental Health

Sign Up:

Quick and easy sign-up to start your
wellness journey.


Engage daily through quick
emotional check-ins.


Build your circle, just check in, and
connect with others.

Track and Grow:

Use our tools to track your progress
and grow through consistent

Sign Up:

Quick and easy sign-up to start your wellness journey.


Engage daily
through quick


Build your circle, just check in, and connect with others.

Track and Grow:

Use our tools to track your progress and grow through consistent practice.

Ready to take the next step in your
mental wellness journey?

Ready to take the next
step in your mental
wellness journey?

Join Just Checking In today.

Asked Questions

Still have questions?
No worries we are here to help you.

Just Checking In is a mental wellness app designed to support daily emotional check-ins, mood tracking, and community interaction, helping you stay connected with your mental health.
Open the app and tap the ‘Check-In’ button. You’ll be prompted to select your current mood and can optionally add notes or details about your day.
Yes, the app includes a mood tracker that graphs your emotional states over days, weeks, or months, allowing you to observe trends and patterns in your mood.
Our app offers community forums, group discussions, and the ability to connect with friends or peers within the app to share experiences and support each other’s mental wellness.
Go to the Settings menu in the app, select ‘Reminders,’ and choose the time you want to receive a daily notification to perform your emotional check-in.
The app is free for basic features, including daily check-ins and mood tracking. Premium features, such as detailed analytics and additional community functions, require a subscription.

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All Right Reserved | JCI 2024
Just Check In, is a mobile application that notifies users with a Wellness DailyCheck-In, and sends a text alert to their emergency contacts if they have not ‘checked in.’ Our objective is to ensure that those living alone feel safe, while providing peace of mind also for those who care for them.  A simple reminder to connect with others can help you to remember that you are loved, cared for, and most importantly, not alone.