Check in on 7:45pm

Asked Questions

General Features and Functions

Just Checking In is a mental wellness app designed to support daily emotional check-ins, mood tracking, and community interaction, helping you stay connected with your mental health.
Open the app and tap the ‘Check-In’ button. You’ll be prompted to select your current mood and can optionally add notes or details about your day.
Yes, the app includes a mood tracker that graphs your emotional states over days, weeks, or months, allowing you to observe trends and patterns in your mood.
Our app offers community forums, group discussions, and the ability to connect with friends or peers within the app to share experiences and support each other’s mental wellness.

Usage and Technical Questions

Go to the Settings menu in the app, select ‘Reminders,’ and choose the time you want to receive a daily notification to perform your emotional check-in.
The app is free for basic features, including daily check-ins and mood tracking. Premium features, such as detailed analytics and additional community functions, require a subscription.
To manage your circle, navigate to the ‘My Circle’ section in the app, where you can add new members using their email address or remove existing members.
On the login screen, click ‘Forgot Password’ and follow the instructions to reset your password via the email address associated with your account.

Privacy and Security

We prioritize your privacy and security by encrypting all personal data and adhering to strict data protection regulations to ensure your information is safe.
Yes, you can export your data at any time. Go to Settings and select ‘Export Data’ to download your check-ins and mood tracking history.


Ensure your app is updated to the latest version. If issues persist, try restarting the app or your device. Contact our support team if the problem continues.
We welcome your feedback! Please report any bugs or feature suggestions through the ‘Feedback’ option in the app’s settings or directly via our support email.

Account Management

You can cancel your subscription at any time through the subscription settings in your account profile on the app or through the app store from which you downloaded Just Checking In.
Just Check In, is a mobile application that notifies users with a Wellness DailyCheck-In, and sends a text alert to their emergency contacts if they have not ‘checked in.’ Our objective is to ensure that those living alone feel safe, while providing peace of mind also for those who care for them.  A simple reminder to connect with others can help you to remember that you are loved, cared for, and most importantly, not alone.